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Garfield The Magician Book

  • Highly Collectible Book!

Garfield The Magician Book

Hardcover is padded and the book is a good children's book. Very Colorful. 

These are selling online at places like eBay & Amazon for over $800.00. I'd suspect because of the artwork done by Mike Fentz. Seems it's a highly collectible book by Garfield fans. The few copies we have are in like-new condition.

Details: Garfield The Magician Book

Designed & Illustrated by Mike Fentz

Garfield Created by Jim Davis

Written by Jim Kraft

24 Pages, Hard soft-padded cover, size is 8.8 by 8 .5 by 0.1 inches

2002 Paws Incorporated. Bendon Publishing International - Ashland, OH. Printed in China

Media Type Shipped Product

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